Privacy center

Site visitors

  • We process personal data which are collected directly from you as well as personal data which are collected via use of cookies or other similar technologies. For more information on how we use cookies and other similar technologies, please see our Cookie Policy.

  • We only process your personal data to the extent permitted in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. This means inter alia that we need to have a legal basis for the purposes for our processing your personal data, which in our context generally means one of the following legal bases.

    Performance of a contract – the processing is necessary in order for us to provide you with our services or otherwise perform a contract between us (this applies if you conduct your business in a sole proprietorship), or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract.

    If you are acting on behalf of someone else, e.g., in the capacity of representative of a company (which usually is the case), our processing is carried out with reference to our legitimate interest balanced against your interests or fundamental rights or freedoms, where our legitimate interest is to conclude and perform the contract with the company you represent.

    Performance of legal obligations – the processing is necessary in order to fulfil our legal obligations according to law or other statutes that we are subject to, or if we are subject to orders or decisions by courts or authorities, which require us to process your personal data.

    Legitimate interests – the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, provided that they are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights or freedoms (in which case the processing would not be allowed).

    Consent – the processing is carried out with your prior consent, where we inter alia are responsible for clearly informing you of what processing you consent to and your right to withdraw your consent in relation to our continued processing. 

    Below, we explain more about the categories of personal data we process, for what purposes we process them and what legal bases we rely on when processing your personal data, including for how long we store your personal data.

  • What we do and why

    In order to maintain, facilitate and improve the functions and user experience of our websites, as well as support our work on detecting and counteracting flaws, breaches and incidents, we will collect statistics and perform analysis of visitor traffic on our websites, as well as perform analysis of other technical information which is generated upon visiting our websites.

    We will use your personal data to personalise your experience when interacting with us through our websites.

    We will monitor and analyse trends, usage and activities in connection with our products and services to understand which parts of our digital platforms and services are of the most interest and to improve the design and content of our platforms.

    We will prepare and perform management reporting and analysis, including analytics and metrics.

    The personal data that we process

    • IP-address
    • Other technical information which is generated upon visiting our websites, such as what type of device is used, web browser used, history of visited sites including the time entry (information from used web browser, time zone of the place from which you visited our websites and other information on web traffic).

    Our legal basis for processing

    Legitimate interest and consent, wherein our legitimate interest is to gather information in order to maintain, facilitate and improve the functionality and security on our websites.

    Gathering of information through use of cookies or other similar technologies is done on the basis of your consent, except such use which is strictly necessary to the foundational functions of our websites. For more information on how we use cookies and other similar technologies, please see our Cookie Policy. 

    How we share and transfer your data

    We will share your personal data with the following recipients;

    • Suppliers of IT-services
    • Our Mölnlycke affiliates
    • Authorities (if we are legally obliged to)
    • Providers of analytic tools (Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, etc.)

    Mölnlycke will transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA within the scope of this processing activity. We will transfer the data to the following recipients;

    • Our Mölnlycke affiliate, located in the United States.
    • Providers of analytic tools (Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, etc.), located in the United States.

    You will find more information regarding how we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA in the 'Third country transfers' section below. You are also welcomed to contact us through our data protection officer by e-mail or by using the contact us button below.

    How long we keep your data

    We process and keep information on how visitors interact with our websites for a period of maximum six (6) months. In most cases, the collected data will be transformed into aggregated data (thus anonymised) at an earlier stage, in connection to us creating statistics.

  • What we do and why

    We will process your personal data to provide our online events and activities, including webinars, e-learnings and other events and activities available for you to participate in via our websites.

    This means that we will ask you to fill in your personal data to be able to participate in our online events or activities. Some of our online events and activities are strictly targeted to health care professionals and we may therefore ask you about your professional information. 

    The personal data that we process

    • Name (including prefix or title)
    • Pseudonym
    • Preferred language
    • Age or date of birth
    • Gender
    • Professional information and experience (including your qualifications, areas of expertise, place of practice)
    • IP-address

    Other technical information which is generated upon visiting our websites, such as what type of device is used, web browser used, history of visited sites including the time entry (information from used web browser, time zone of the place from which you visited our websites and other information on web traffic).

    Our legal basis for processing

    Legitimate interest, where our legitimate interest is to know who we provide online events and activities as well as restrict access for events and activities which are targeted strictly to health care professionals.

    How we share and transfer your data

    We will share your personal data with the following recipients;

    • Suppliers of IT-services
    • Our Mölnlycke affiliates

    Mölnlycke will transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA within the scope of this processing activity. We will transfer the data to the following recipients;

    • Our Mölnlycke affiliate, located in the United States.

    You will find more information regarding how we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA in the 'Third country transfers' section below. You are also welcomed to contact us through our data protection officer by e-mail or by using the contact us button below.

    How long we keep your data

    We process and keep information as long as we provide our online events and activities with you, but no longer than six (6) months after the last time you participated in one of our online events or activities.

  • What we do and why

    If you are contacting our customer service through our website questionaries, we will process your personal data to be able to respond to your queries and handle your request.

    This includes situations when you contact us through our website to report adverse events and product enquiries.  

    The personal data that we process

    • Name (including prefix or title)
    • Pseudonym
    • Preferred language
    • Age or date of birth
    • Gender
    • Health information (including your health status, health problems and health information inferred from the information you have provided to us)
    • IP-address
    • Other technical information which is generated upon visiting our websites, such as what type of device is used, web browser used, history of visited sites including the time entry (information from used web browser, time zone of the place from which you visited our websites and other information on web traffic).

    Our legal basis for processing

    Legitimate interest, where our legitimate interest is to be able to respond and handle such request we receive through our website and to monitor the safety of our products and services.

    Our legal basis for processing special categories of personal data

    We will process your health information to the extent you share personal data relating to health within your customer service reports, e.g., if you report adverse events to us.

    We process your health information based on your consent. We will only respond and handle requests if you have given your consent. With your consent, we will monitor the safety of our products, respond to your queries and provide you with information relating to our products when you request it or inform us regarding adverse events.

    How we share and transfer your data

    We will share your personal data with the following recipients;

    • Suppliers of IT-services
    • Our Mölnlycke affiliates
    • Authorities (if we are legally obliged to)

    Mölnlycke will transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA within the scope of this processing activity. We will transfer the data to the following recipients;

    • Our Mölnlycke affiliate, located in the United States.

    You will find more information regarding how we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA in the 'Third country transfers' section below. You are also welcomed to contact us through our data protection officer by e-mail or by using the contact us button below.

    How long we keep your data

    We process your personal data as long as your request is still unanswered or as long as our communication is ongoing, however, no longer than six (6) months after the last communication has ceased. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us through or the contact details you find here.

  • What we do and why

    We will process your personal data to respond to your queries and provide you with information when you request it or when we believe our products and services may be of interest to you.

    We may also invite you to provide feedback, participate in research, surveys or attend Mölnlycke events.

    To be able to do this we will perform analytics, market research and segmentation to understand your preferences, improve our products and services and our communications to you.

    For example, we may use certain personal information about your activities on our websites, such as pages visited and key words entered, to help determine which of our ads may be of interest to you.

    We may use personal information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or your country of residence) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you. We also utilize custom audience features available for targeted advertising within social media platforms.

    The personal data that we process

    • Name (including prefix or title)
    • Pseudonym
    • Preferred language
    • Age or date of birth
    • Gender
    • Professional information and experience (including your qualifications, areas of expertise, place of practice)
    • Address
    • Telephone number
    • E- mail address
    • Profiles on social media, e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
    • IP-address
    • Other technical information which is generated upon visiting our websites, such as what type of device is used, web browser used, history of visited sites including the time entry (information from used web browser, time zone of the place from which you visited our websites and other information on web traffic).

    Our legal basis for processing

    Consent, we will ask for your consent to provide direct marketing messages to you. You may withdraw your consent anytime. You will only receive marketing messages if you have agreed to this through our opt-in procedure.

    How we share and transfer your data

    We will share your personal data with the following recipients;

    • Suppliers of IT-services
    • Our Mölnlycke affiliates
    • Providers of analytic tools (Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, etc.)

    Mölnlycke will transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA within the scope of this processing activity. We will transfer the data to the following recipients;

    • Our Mölnlycke affiliate, located in the United States.
    • Providers of analytic tools (Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, etc.), located in the United States

    You will find more information regarding how we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA in the 'Third country transfers' section below. You are also welcomed to contact us through our data protection officer by e-mail or by using the contact us button below.

    How long we keep your data

    We will only maintain personal data if you have given your explicit consent to it, however no longer than six (6) months. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us through or the contact details you find here.

  • What we do and why

    We will process your personal data to respond to communications sent by you via the contact form on our website.

    This includes communication via e-mail about our business, our services and our ongoing activities.

    The personal data that we process

    • First and last name.
    • Contact information, such as e-mail address and telephone number.
    • Information about the company or organisation you represent.
    • Information that you otherwise provide us with in connection with us communicating with you, for example in the message you provide in our contact form.

    Our legal basis for processing

    Legitimate interest, where our legitimate interest is to be able to communicate with you and respond to the messages you send to us when you contact us via the contact form on our website.

    How we share and transfer your data

    We will share your personal data with the following recipients;

    • Suppliers of IT-services
    • Our Mölnlycke affiliates
    • Authorities (if we are legally obliged to)

    Mölnlycke will transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA within the scope of this processing activity. We will transfer the data to the following recipients;

    • Our Mölnlycke affiliate, located in the United States.

    You will find more information regarding how we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA in the 'Third country transfers' section below. You are also welcomed to contact us through our data protection officer by e-mail or by using the contact us button below.

    How long we keep your data

    We process your personal data as long as your request is still unanswered or as long as our communication is ongoing, but no longer than six (6) months after the last communication has ceased.

  • We use Google Analytics, Facebook pixel and similar tools that enable, among other things, the tracking of your activities when you use our websites. These tools will be used to improve the functions and user experience of our websites, as well as build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other websites. They are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. For more information on how we use cookies and other similar technologies, please see our Cookie Policy.

  • In addition to the processing purposes listed above, we may be required to process personal data for additional purposes. We may also be required to keep certain personal data for longer periods of time e.g., to be able to establish, exercise, and/or defend against legal claims. We will generally process such personal data for ten (10) years from creation or for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose in the relevant case. This processing of your personal data is based on our legitimate interest of establishing and/or defending legal claims. Additionally, we may also be required to process personal data to comply with legal obligations e.g., relating to bookkeeping or tax legislation, or if we are ordered to process personal data (including disclosing it) by a competent court or government authority.

  • We have taken measures to ensure that your personal data is handled in a safe way. For example, access to systems where personal data is stored is limited to our employees and service providers who require it in the course of their duties. Such parties are informed of the importance of maintaining security and confidentiality in relation to the personal data we process. We maintain appropriate safeguards and security standards to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, disclosure or misuse. We also monitor our systems to discover vulnerabilities.

  • We strive to always process your personal data within the EU/EEA. However, if a third country transfer is described in the tables under section 4 above, we will transfer your personal data, to service providers who, either themselves or by their sub-contractors, are located or have business activities in a country outside the EU/EEA. In such cases, we are responsible for ensuring that the transfer is made in accordance with applicable data protection legislation before it occurs, e.g., by ensuring that the country in which the recipient is located ensures an adequate level of data protection according to the European Commission, or by ensuring appropriate safeguards based on the use of standard contractual clauses that the European Commission has adopted and other appropriate measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms.

    You may access a list of the countries that the European Commission has decided provide an adequate level of data protection at this link.

    You may access the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses at this link.